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How Lufthansa Cargo Reduced Warehouse Worker Exams Failure Rates By 80% With AR Training

We show how Lufthansa Cargo's revolutionary Augmented Reality program for warehouse staff is the future of training in logistics.

From the classroom to virtual reality thanks to Augmented Reality in the logistics industry – an interview with Digital Training Expert Melissa Schulz from Lufthansa Cargo, the leading company in the airfreight industry.

Air cargo is known for its complex logistics, requiring efficient and precise handling of goods. In this dynamic environment, the training of employees plays a crucial role. This is the only way to ensure that operations run smoothly, and the highest safety standards are met.

Traditionally, warehouse staff have been trained using classroom and hands-on training in the field. However, this approach is usually associated with high costs in terms of time and resources. To address these challenges and improve the quality of training at the same time, Lufthansa Cargo now uses Augmented Reality training for its warehouse employees. By using AR technology, warehouse employees can now immerse themselves in a more immersive learning environment and safely acquire important skills and knowledge.

In this interview, we will speak with Digital Training Expert Melissa Schulz from Lufthansa Cargo to learn more about the benefits and use of Augmented Reality in the training process. We'll focus on developing this technology, implementing existing training programs, and the effects on employee performance and efficiency.


What AR project has Lufthansa Cargo implemented exactly?

MS: At Lufthansa Cargo, we have already established a very successful Augmented Reality project in training since 2019. This project involves car tie-downs with the help of Microsoft HoloLens glasses. Such training allows employees to gain practical experience and in this case to see whether they have properly secured the car on the pallet.

Normally, this complex topic is only taught in theory in face-to-face lessons. However, since it has been proven that we learn better in practice, we have incorporated this experience and decided to practice in the extended reality.

As a result, we were able to reduce the failure rate in the final exams of our warehouse employees by 80 percent.


"We are thrilled by 3spin Learning's great support, especially on the technical side, which made the AR implementation a breeze."

Melissa Schulz, Lufthansa Cargo


This success certainly speaks for itself! What other advantages do you see in learning with VR & AR for logistics?

MS: I believe the great advantage of VR for logistics and our customers is the enhanced work training. As a result, the standard of training in our company has increased enormously, leading to fewer absences.

In other words, fewer packages are left behind, which means fewer delays for our customers. They are more satisfied overall. Fewer human errors in ground handling also increase flight safety. Experiential learning in VR training expands our training standard enormously.

Why did you also opt for Virtual Reality training?

MS: During the Corona years, we implemented a VR pilot project in which a customer meeting was simulated for sales staff. We wanted them to be able to role-play customer meetings from home even during travel restrictions. For this purpose, we created a VR training in which they were invited to a customer's office via VR glasses and then dealt with their respective problem there. There they could try out their conversation skills with an avatar and practice until they felt confident.

Subsequently, we closely evaluated the level of acceptance and generally looked at how the VR training was received. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the consensus was that we should use more Virtual Reality in the Lufthansa Cargo training courses.

How long have you been working with 3spin Learning's software and why did you choose it?

MS: We have been working with 3spin Learning's learning platform since 2018 when we first came up with the idea for the first Augmented Reality project for vehicle tie-down.

A year later, we were already able to embed the training.

Since then, we have been training with 3spin Learning as a learning platform and can use it to create our own AR and VR content.

3spin Learning

From Pilot Project To Company-wide Rollout


Were sustainability and resource conservation also important considerations when choosing your VR training?

MS: Yes, sustainability was a big issue for us insofar as we sent the necessary glasses to the participants' home offices with the VR training and thus did not incur any travel costs. By training on-site with the learners, no CO2 was emitted, so to speak.

Does Lufthansa Cargo have further VR or AR projects planned?

MS: As our next VR project, we would like to create another training course for our warehouse employees this year, specifically to put the assembly of pallets with dangerous goods packages into practice in compliance with the specific regulations. So far, our participants see the packages on a piece of paper and then perform exercises.

With Virtual Reality, they see the packages in front of them, can touch them, turn them and view the information directly, and carry out the correct assembly. This experiential learning significantly improves the retention of the learned content as experiential learning is better anchored in the brain and can be retrieved more quickly.

What will be the role of AR and VR in future training development?

MS: Virtual and Augmented Reality is an integral part of training in our industry, but also in general. This type of training will be an essential part of all future training and further education measures, as the great advantage is practical "learning by doing".

On the other hand, VR will also become an important component in the marketing sector. Already today, organizations can use VR, 360-degree applications, or virtual tours to give their customers an insight into the company or its processes.

Thank you very much, dear Melissa, for the fascinating insights into Lufthansa Cargo's R training.

About Melissa Schulz

As a Digital Training Expert, Melissa Schulz is responsible for digitizing employee training and producing web-based training and AR/VR/360-degree training at Lufthansa Cargo. The cargo airline is active in over one hundred countries and relies on cross-location training and development of its employees.

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