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Better Safety at Work, Better Learning: VR/AR Benefits in Health and Safety Training

Steigern Sie die Mitarbeitergesundheit und -sicherheit mit unserer VR / AR Autorenplattform für effizienteres Arbeitsschutzmanagement.

Increasing pressure to perform, and stress, not to mention the rise in both physical and mental illnesses, show just how important it is to promote occupational health and safety. The importance of occupational health and safety cannot be overstated.

Every year, many thousands of working days are lost due to illnesses and injuries at work, and countless people die as a result of work-related injuries.

The Price of Poor Work Safety

Every year, illnesses and injuries in the workplace result in the loss of many thousands of working days. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 4,764 fatal work injuries recorded in the United States in 2020 resulting in substantially less productivity.

Work-related injuries can not only affect the quality of life of those affected but also hurt your business financially and damage your reputation.

How Can Virtual Reality Support Occupational Health and Safety Instruction?

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality offer a unique form of digital collaboration. They allow the simulation of a realistic environment in which employees can practice safely, regularly, and as long as necessary. As working from home has become the new reality for many employees, many companies are benefiting from digital virtual safety training and education.

By using these software solutions, employers can improve safety standards in organizations, increase alertness and boost employee performance. At the same time, costs can be significantly reduced.

Whitepaper on Occupational Health and Safety

Digitize your employee training with VR / AR & AI


Benefits of VR / AR & AI in OHS

High scalability, effectiveness, and better results in terms of safety and hazards speak in favor of using safety training in Virtual or Augmented Reality.

Improved Safety Standards

By using these software solutions, employers can improve safety standards in companies, increase alertness and improve employee performance. At the same time, costs can be significantly reduced.

Repeated Practice

Virtual and Augmented Reality together with Artificial Intelligence help to create simulations to enable new employees to practice repeatedly thanks to detailed replicas of work processes.

Personalized Training Content

Depending on the location, atmosphere, or complexity of the project in question, employees may face particular challenges. VR and AR enable customized training experiences.

Risk-free Training

VR and AR technologies combine fun with practical learning. This increases learners' interest and cognitive realisation skills.

Increased Motivation

In addition to the attractive and entertaining components, VR and AR also appeal to learners because of the risk-free training element.

Better Skills Acquisition

Practice is the best way for employees to hone their skills. Employees retain much more knowledge when they combine what they have learnt with practical VR applications.

Autonomous Learning

VR and AR enable all trainees and learners to learn at their own pace. This allows them to apply the knowledge they have learnt as often as they like without putting themselves or the equipment at risk.


Employees and trainees can be trained at different locations and access the training elements at any time.

More Skilled Labour

VR and AR can bring specialists from all over the world together in one place. This allows companies to draw on a wider range of people.

VR Training in OHSDEKRA empowers trainees with realistic work preparation using VR

Digitization Challenges in Occupational Health and Safety

The transformation and digitalization of the world of work are bringing about changes in work and stress constellations. High labor intensity and location-independent working pose new challenges for today's companies in terms of occupational health and safety.

New Working Models and Increased Mental Stress

Traditional occupational health and safety models are often outdated and require new workflows. The increasing flood of information, constant availability, and uncertainty about the accuracy of data lead to great stress.

Lack of Awareness and Intransparency

Digitization strategies are not transparent and barely comprehensible for employees. However, digital technologies and work processes require innovative ways of thinking about new processes.

Companies have to realise their responsibility and develop and manage transparent processes for everyone involved and create acceptance from the outset through good communication in order to involve all stakeholders in healthy work design.

At 3spin Learning, we specialise in supporting companies in the transformation to VR and AR training.

Taking OSH Training to a New Level Thanks to 3spin Learning

With virtual software systems such as 3spin Learning, you can automate your health management and prevent accidents. With our learning platform, you don't need any programming skills to create unique learning content with VR and AR. The application is very easy and intuitive to use: Users can work directly in the authoring tool and make adjustments at any time.

This enables companies to create successful VR / AR training courses with AI that are characterized by sustainable learning effects. We look forward to advising you on your requirements in the field of occupational safety about the implementation of Virtual and Augmented Reality in OHS

VR Health and Safety

Create Successful Safety Training with VR and AR Now

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