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New VR Soft Skills Courses: Fast Implementation, Get Started Immediately

Soft Skills Courses

Soft skills training is often a challenge for companies.Conventional methods are rarely effective enough and employees find it difficult to find themselves in practical situations. But it doesn't have to stay that way. With ready-made VR soft skills training, these learning processes can be designed in such a way that social skills can be applied and improved directly in the immersive world.

While technical skills can often be taught through standardized training programs, the development of soft skills - such as communication, conflict resolution or negotiation skills - requires a different approach.

Traditional training methods quickly reach their limits here. Face-to-face seminars are time-consuming, expensive and often do not offer the necessary practical relevance to apply what has been learned effectively in everyday working life.

Another problem is the lack of flexibility. Training courses often have to be planned well in advance, and the training often takes place within a rigid framework that leaves little room for individual learning. In addition, conventional methods rarely offer the opportunity to continuously practise and deepen soft skills.

In today's fast-paced world of work, however, it is precisely these social skills that need to be practiced again and again to meet the challenges of everyday life.

VR-based Learning for New Solutions

This is where immersive learning methods with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence come into play. VR training enables employees to go through realistic scenarios in which they can try out and improve their skills in a safe environment.

VR training courses are designed in such a way that gamification aspects are integrated into the process right from the start. Although this initially creates more work for the planners of soft skills training, it is ultimately only beneficial.

Key Benefits of Ready-made VR Soft Skills Learning Courses

VR soft skills training provides learners with the opportunity to practice their social and communication skills in realistic scenarios. Until now, these trainings were often tied to special hardware or software, which made access difficult for some users. With the expanded feature set of our web app, you can now conduct soft skills VR training with AI dialogs directly in your web browser.

Our ready-made VR soft skills training courses offer numerous advantages that significantly facilitate the work of learning authors and companies:

  • No complex set-up process: the training courses are fully available in the web browser, which means that no installation of additional software is required. All you need is an internet-enabled computer - and you're ready to go! Learning authors can start customizing training units immediately.
  • Ease of use: Our ready-made VR soft skills training courses have been developed with ease of use in mind. The control options are intuitively designed so that even users without VR experience can easily complete the training.
  • Realistic interactions: Thanks to the AI dialogs used, users can speak directly with the 3D characters or our Helper Companion.
  • Extended reach: As the VR trainings courses are available in the web browser, they can be used by a wider audience. This opens up new possibilities for the distribution and scaling of training programs.

VR Course Customer Service

Our New Soft Skill Course

Vor diesem Hintergrund entwickeln wir bei 3spin Learning neue VR-basierte Soft Skill Kurse, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse moderner Unternehmen zugeschnitten sind. Diese Kurse sind aktuell im Beta-Test und bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, unsere innovativen Lernmethoden kostenlos auszuprobieren. Die ersten Test-Kurse decken grundlegende Themen wie

  • Kundenbedürfnisse verstehen,
  • Einwandbehandlung und
  • Grundlagen der Kommunikation ab.

VR Soft Skills Kurs Sales

Be a Beta Tester

As a beta tester, you now have the unique opportunity to test these first new soft skills courses free of charge. Benefit from this opportunity to strengthen your teams with this valuable content at an early stage and give us valuable feedback at the same time. Apply now for a trial version.

Noel Ludwig
3spin Learning

Schedule a Free Meeting Now

Our product expert Noel is looking forward to showing you our templates and receiving feedback.


Upcoming Soft Skills Training Courses

Our ready-made soft skills courses are just the beginning. In the fall, we are planning a wide range of additional courses tailored to the specific needs of sales, customer service and HR teams. Here's a taste of the topics we want to tackle in the future:

Sales / Customer Service

  • Successful pitching
  • Emotional selling
  • Practicing trade fair talks (prospecting/qualification)
  • Negotiation skills
  • Resilience training



  • Job interviews
  • Dismissal interviews
  • Giving constructive feedback
  • Bias Recognition
  • Cultural competence
  • Stressful interviews
  • Conflict management
  • Compliance (anti-corruption/bribery)
  • Sexual Harassment


Realistic Interaction with Talking VR Characters

We are even taking it a step further: with our new talking VR characters, the interaction in the immersive soft skills training courses is even more lively and authentic. Since the 2024.2 release, 3D characters in the training courses can speak predefined sentences thanks to the text-to-speech function.

Speak-13spin Learning Interface

This allows participants to communicate with the characters in direct dialogs ensuring effective soft skills training, as complex communication situations can be simulated and practiced more realistically.

Adding this feature to existing, ready-made soft skills training courses is very easy. Our platform's intuitive user interface allows users to add predefined sentences for the 3D characters without any programming knowledge. Lip synchronization is automatically adjusted so that the characters appear natural and believable. This extension enables companies to quickly and easily take their VR training to the next level and further improve the learning curve of their employees.

Looking Forward to Your Feedback

Our goal is to provide companies with the tools they need to effectively and sustainably train their employees in these important skills. We are convinced that VR training can play a crucial role in overcoming the challenges of traditional training methods and taking soft skills development to a new level.

Your feedback is invaluable to us in tailoring the final courses to better meet the needs of our customers. If you are interested in taking part in our free beta test and getting a first look at our upcoming soft skills courses, please get in touch. Together we can shape the future of learning!

vr training
3spin Learning

Discover the Future of Learning

Sign up for a demo today and discover how easy it is to create VR training courses.

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